Posts Tagged ‘dating partner’
Alternative of Dating Sites Image Search?
Wednesday, March 13th, 2013
Searching through of millions of images to know more about the person you plan to date is a recent way of dating. A person (let us assume his name is John) browsed through some random sites where singles are listed and found a picture of the female who aroused his interest. He did an image search and found her on FB, LinkedIn and many other networking sites. He read all the information about her, got her address, phone number, where she works, what she likes, the places she most frequently visits and what are her interests. All this information he gathered about her by spending time to visit various sites where she is registered to know more and more about her. He finally called her and introduced himself. Told her all about herself from the information she had given on various social networking sites and asked her for a date. More than surprise it was beyond comprehension that this guy found out so many details about her life and called her to date her.
Google has launched image search for people to find their relatives and friends across the world. This has made the world shrink further as one can easily find the person from one image. Image search has totally cut down the time barrier as most people are registered on some social networking site and pictures are tagged somewhere or the other. Though one has not met the person in ages, one usually has the image of the person in some stage of life. Let’s say school friends pictures can be matched with to find your friend today and reconnect with him/her.
Online dating sites do have an option to load images and videos as well. Most of the dating sites are popular because of the ease of navigation they offer. The simple registration process which is usually free, the number of singles registered on the sites with complete details available at the click of a mouse button. The search filters are effectively designed and monitored so that one can easily find the kind of person one is looking for. With the search criterion defined, the results are almost accurate almost every time.
With a simple registration process which is free, once registered the member can easily browse through the listing and view the pictures. One can find the person available to date within a specific distance from their own area. Free online chat options lets you know the person better which helps in deciding whether you want to meet in person or not. One can browse the free online dating sites from the comforts or office to find a companion for the evening or weekend. No need to go to single bars looking for him/her at the end of a tiring week to find a date. Most of the online dating sites are constructed to view on hand held devices as well which makes the access easier and any time available.
The convenience and security that the dating sites offer cannot be replaced by image search. Back to John, the female found something very eerie about the whole conversation she had with John. She probably assumed him to be a psycho or a guy who had all the time on Earth to find out so many details about her from multiple sites. No person in their right sense would be keen to date a person who wastes so much time to find details from various sites when a simple option of browsing the online dating site is available to know all the information about the person as well as chat with the person for free.
The concept John applied maybe good but the approach was probably not right as the information he had about her made her feel sick and vulnerable. Bad incidents do happen in online dating too which is quite rare. Image search dating may not be acceptable to the human psyche as it makes one vulnerable. It may take a while for this change to take effect as it is more dynamic way of finding a person. Online dating sites are the safest way still to find the person for the evening or a life time as peace of mind, safety and security are the top priority for any sane person.
Tags: dating partner, images search, signles
Stress Buster Activities with Dating Partner - part 2
Wednesday, March 13th, 2013
Stress Buster Activities with Dating Partner - part 1
Work stress has become one of the main reasons today for a stressed life. The pressure at work, the necessity to perform and keep proving yourself is taking its toll on most individuals. One tends to become negative and this leads to further stress-related depression. Spending time with a dating partner relaxes the mind and he/she can understand your state of mind becomes more sympathetic towards you. This energy draws you to being more positive towards life by seeing the glass half full rather than grumbling about it being half empty. A positive outlook changes your perceptive towards life. A caring dating partner will turn your pessimism into optimism by being supportive and understanding.
The stressed person definitely relaxes a bit with the date which helps them to analyze and prioritize their work. Once the work is stream-lined, time gets managed well there by reducing stress. A supportive word from the partner with some tips on managing time or organizing the day becomes a great help for the mind to be at peace.
Enjoying a drink with the date is different than drowning in alcohol to avoid the realization of stress or stressful situation. An understanding dating partner will provide all the support to solve the problem and stop the partner from falling into the avoidance trap. Most men tend to hide behind the effect of alcohol that makes problems disappear momentarily. A dating partner extends that support and helps one to identify and tackle the cause of stress.
If the situation cannot be changed, the partner tells you to accept it and focus on what you can control rather than what you cannot control and get stressed. Tough times don’t last but tough people do especially if they have found truly supportive, understanding and caring dating partner who is more of a counselor and guide.
Tags: dating partner, fun activities
Stress Buster Activities with Dating Partner
Tuesday, March 12th, 2013
Stress has become more of our habit today which is unfortunately turning into a way of life. We are becoming a selfish lot being skeptical about everything and everybody. This may be due to personal, health or work related reasons. Instead of choosing to get out of the stress, people are becoming habituated to being stressed and staying stressed. With lesser interaction in the real world with real people the stress levels have gone much higher and people are turning to drugs and drinks to find solace. Each person needs a companion to share the joys and sorrows of life. A dating partner is the best person who can understand you as you have found him/her through online dating sites, spent time knowing each other better by chatting online and meeting or met through a common friend.
Once you get to know your dating partner better, the comfort level between the two goes up and it is easier to discuss almost everything with him/her. The wavelength matches and as the affection, the care and understanding for each other increase, the relationship evolves into a beautiful emotional relationship.
Personal reasons to get stressed are most commonly being lonely. After a day or week of busy work schedule, each one of us wants to relax and unwind. Doing this alone leads one to become an alcoholic as alcohol turns out to be an ‘anytime companion’. Keep away from this. With so many singles listed on dating sites, find a date for yourself from the comforts of home or office. You can even find him/her when you visit singles bars. Meet each other, chat, discuss and know each other better. Once you have found a friend in him/her, nobody can be a better stress buster dating partner.
Physical activity effectively deals with stress. An understanding partner is the best companion to begin and continue a workout which will definitely keep the stress away. The mind is relaxed after a strenuous workout. This helps each person to think a bit more clearly thus identifying the root cause of stress. The dating partner being supportive adds to the feeling of well-being which helps the stress person to get control of his/her thoughts and emotions. If health issues are causing stress, a simple activity like walking together can reduce stress tremendously. Once you build up your energy and stamina, move on to more rigorous activities with your partner. This is a sure shot way to keep stress away and improve your overall relationship.
Stress Buster Activities with Dating Partner - part 2
Creative activities give you more of a polished look to your personality - Part 2
Saturday, January 19th, 2013
4. DIY
Whereas arts tickle the mind, you could say that Do it Yourself (DIY) tests your manual dexterity as well as your creative mind. If you cannot find anything remotely to do around the house, then you are not looking hard enough. Look around you and decide what you can do to the wall that looks bland or even that favorite shirt of yours that requires some stitching. You will find that as you undertake simple tasks such as this, your interest in other creative projects will start to grow.
5. Dancing
Another creative skill that can be easily acquired by a visit to your local dance club. Start of something fun such as salsa or zumba and go to one of these beginner classes. At first, you may find that you have two left feet, but as you practice your confidence will grow and you will begin to enjoy it more.
Skills such as these are highly attractive to the opposite sex and will open the doors to many more potential dating partners. Take a few hours of your time to engage in some of these activities instead of just sitting in front of the TV, reading a book or just idling away your time. You will find that this will help you in mind and body and your interests will grow and you will have instant appeal with the opposite sex.
Tags: dating partner, personality
Creative activities give you more of a polished look to your personality
Saturday, January 19th, 2013
Sometimes we don’t look deep enough to find out what your partner is like. Of course there are many activities you can do together but some of them will give you more insight into your partner’s personality. If you are dating for the first time, it may help to do these fun and creative activities and will help you become more desirable to the opposite sex.
Read full articleTags: dating partner, dating profile, pesonality