Posts Tagged ‘zoosk’
Zoosk.com - A dating site that was making headline news at one time
Monday, August 31st, 2015
Zoosk.com - once a high achiever has lost significant traffic to its site. Through means which we do not know completely, but we are left with a sense of wonder how we look at winners and losers of today.
Read full articleTags: zoosk, zoosk failure, zoosk success, zoosk traffic, zoosk.com
Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato - Online Dating Site Zoosk’s 2010 Sales Up 250 Percent To $90 Million
Wednesday, February 9th, 2011
Article Subject: Online Dating Site Zoosk’s 2010 Sales Up 250 Percent To $90 Million
Article Link: http://techcrunch.com/2011/02/08/online-dating-site-zoosks-2010-sales-up-250-percent-to-90-million/
Article Rating: 3.5 (out of 5)
Website: zoosk.com
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
Wow, this story has really grabbed the attention of many people who had mixed feelings and thoughts about the whole zoosk story.
There seems to be plenty of negative comments about the zoosk site in particular how most people thought there many fake profiles and utterly useless to online daters. Several people in their hasty comparison had good things to say about OKCupid.com which was recently acquired by IAC who also happen to own the match.com site.
I think Zoosk is one of those mysterious hypes that come onto the online scene and grabs the attention of the internet audience. The company realizing this formulates a strategy of making money the quickest way possible and continues to feed on the hype making everyone in the company better off than the average Joe on the streets!
To read more about the Jumpdates review on the zoosk dating site, please go here.

zoosk dating site - making money for the investors
Tags: techcrunch on zoosk, zoosk