Replies: 1 - Pages: [1] - Last reply: 2014-01-03 12:55:30 - By:
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Posts: 5
1970-01-01 00:00:00

To dream of love. The moment in time sitting next to the ocean as the briskness of the wind blows through my hair. The smell of the salt upon my lips as the spray of water crashes into the rocky edge….the salty mist leaving a subtle glimmer upon my face. Thoughts linger as the waves rush in and retract like the beating of a heart. Repeating the sound and the thunderous crashing taking the mind into the past. The thouht comes again as my lips I taste….this salt like tears that stream down my face.
It is there the memories of love. Oh my the mirror me I see myself destined to be alone as the wrinkles on my face seem to deepen with the years. Having this dream to find some one to call my own. The yearning grows watching the old couple as they stroll hand in hand on the break wall. No cares in the world these two. Gently he caresses her hans in his own. Gazing into her eyes knowing that the years spent together left many a story to be told. Yet the hope remains that there is another. That one in a million to sweep me off my feet. To share as my bones rattle and creak. The sounds as the birds sing,fly into the air without a single care.
What is this life to be spent all alone? My dream again takes ahold of my heart.
Capture that essence of love as it grows the one that one day my heart will hold.

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