Replies: 3 - Pages: [1] - Last reply: 2012-07-07 01:34:32 - By:
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Posts: 1
1970-01-01 00:00:00

Find someone to relate to our situation

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Posts: 221
1970-01-01 00:00:00

Because human beings are very adaptable and are able to reevaluate selection criteria on an on-going basis.


Because the vast majority of people are idiots.

I prefer the first choice, but you can make your own judgement call.

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Posts: 1
1970-01-01 00:00:00

Wy do we say one thing and then do something else. For example… In our profile we might say that we only want to go a certain distance from home for a match, but then we flirt with someone who is way outside that distance. Or we say that we don\’t want to get involved with some one who hasn\’t been divorced for less than __ years (fill n the blank)? Isnther a magical number where it is ok? Or does separated also count? How do you kow that I will still have baggage from the divorce? Actually we will have baggage for the rest of our lives, especially of there are children involved.

Back to my question… WHY?

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