Replies: 2 - Pages: [1] - Last reply: 2008-09-12 07:03:24 - By:
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Posts: 2
1970-01-01 00:00:00

I am presentable , thank you very much. Please send a coherent sentence so I will know that you are an American. I have pleaded with the administrators of this site to evict the robots and scammers from the site. The administrators refuse to do so. Just look at the “women online” and you will see what I mean. They WERE 27 years old , and from Orlando, Florida. Later, they branched out to other places to disguise themselves. They are ALWAYS online , and are there for the purpose of getting your bank account numbers. They are not women at all , and not from the U.S. either. They are working from a boiler room in Africa , and they are men.

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Posts: 1
1970-01-01 00:00:00

and just how cute are you?

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