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Is there anyone who can hold a conversation that does not have to include sex?

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Posts: 15
1970-01-01 00:00:00

Hello there, companions! Come and join our group as of late begin!
We can be found on the subject \’Age Gap Relationships\’!
So everybody can locate a top choice!
Check http://www.AgeGapCupid.com out on the off chance that you like!

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Posts: 1
1970-01-01 00:00:00

Yes there is! But few and far in between. It all has to deal with maturity levels.

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Posts: 1
1970-01-01 00:00:00

The art of conversation is gone and the reason it is is because this is the age of sex and instant gratification. Personally i have not had sex for 13 years so it is the farthest thing from my mind. Nobody talks on the phone anymore it’s all about texting or snapchatting. But conversation and hearing a voice is very important.

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Posts: 1
1970-01-01 00:00:00

Somethings both females and males have to understand is their psychological make up. That a mans nature is one of domination. This includes sexual domination. That the nature of a females is submission thus sexual submission. That our IDs (and or natures)is dictated by physical imposition thus this imposition becomes part of our mental makeup even though in most senses becomes a part of our subconscious and thus can be effected by subliminal suggestion (never mind that). A example of what Im saying is that not all of a persons thoughts deal with their physical imposition even though their physical imposition is always at mind thus as the Ego (higher reasoning, concetration, organization—the conscious mind) is the most active part of one current thought processes the ID is still there but in the form of a subconscious since and is subliminal. That because of this nature of submission a female my subconsciously look at sex (because it is part of their instinctual nature of submission) as submissive and process of her Ego (examples: the complexities of a relationship other than sex, things of being and personality, things that make her a dominate being, ect)she favors a male to consider more over sexual desire. That the combination of ID and Ego (when is both noticed) makes her superEgo and thus here strength. There is some females that bend to more to the ID part of her SuperEgo as her strength thus using sex as a dominance to thus control the opposite sex. When it comes to a male ID and thus sex is a action of dominance thus making processes of Ego the submissive part of their mental imposition because a male journally doesnt have to rely on his Ego or intelligence as much to survive. That he relies on his physical being more for survival. Thus at first process of his Ego and submissiveness of it is less understood to him thus making a man think that this part of his mental makeup is submissive and thus a threat to his dominance (he rather punch something in anger than to think about it because he feels physical dominance is the end all to all situations till he learn that not all situations can be handled physically). Heres the thing that thus causes the problem in the relationship. Both the male and the female want to be the dominate person in the relationship. That since the males dominance centers around sex (journaly in younger males that their minds are not as developed yet)and a females dominance centers around her ability to be intelligent to have dominance in this world she will want the Ego part of the relationship more and the male will want the ID part of the relationship more. That when it boils down to it a maturely, developed male and female have a better balanced SuperEgo (balance between ID and Ego)will make a relationship work. A mans ability to be submissive to a females dominance (her Ego)and thus making her willing to be submissive to the male dominance of ID. This is the process in which a relationship starts. This is because in nature the physical survival of a female depend on the male that protects her and her children. To do this a male has to listen to the dominance and or the thoughts of the female. Her wants and needs. Thing that happens if this process is made possible is that SuperEgo and or the balnce of a womans SuperEgo is meet and thus a males SuperEgo, if the relationship is right, will be meet as well that makes sex a thing of domination (or submission) that can be exsrted by either female or male and that this is also true about processes of the Ego. That this type of relationship, with the varibles of domination or submission in ID and Ego will effect the SuperEgo and or the view of the SuperEgo in both the male and the female). This all might be the reason why most males talk about sex all the time because a female may see this as dominate behaviour and thus is attrackible to the submissive ID. Thing is like I said it has to be a SuperEgo thing is that both sex and the mind has to be part of the relationship for a relationship to work. That a female wants to have sex (is turned on sexually) if her Ego is meet (her dominace) and a male is more willing to meet that part of a womans dominace if his ID is meet. This makes the cat and mouse game that establises the (if you want to call it ) SuperEgo and or balance of the relationship and this part of it is different from person to person. These are the things that build the aspectaation of both the female and male in a relationship. Thing is the more mature a male or female becomes they learn that the things they consider a domination and a submission can not only be what they are but that they can also be visa versa. That physical domination is not always dominate and that the Ego can be the submissive part or dominate part of a person whether or not they are female or male. That as we age we move more from the ID part of our being to the Ego part of our being. That a male will start to consider both his ID and Ego as a strenght or a weakness and this is the same for a female. This journaly happens because the needs of the youth is meet by the process of the males strong ID that subconsciously turns on a female even though consciously she wants to dominate by the Ego. That some males cant do this thus they mature faster to attract a female by their Ego in which she looks at it as a dominace because that is where the center of her dominace is thus making her ID and or subconscious want to have sex. This all get complicated and I could write forever but I also belive this blog covers some of my thoughts on the qquestion asked above I just thought Id express it the way I did because I love to learn and think about human psychology and besides I believe the more we understand ourselves the better we become. So if you have a comment on what was said just leave them or get a hold of me somehow…..Jonas Tyler Doran

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Posts: 2
1970-01-01 00:00:00

Sex is great if it someone you really care about but how long an hour thers 23 hours left you can’t settle more to life find someone you enjoy talking laughing be being around if you have no passion why you here

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Posts: 2
1970-01-01 00:00:00

yes why not every one can

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Posts: 2
1970-01-01 00:00:00

yes why not every one can

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Posts: 1
1970-01-01 00:00:00

Seems like the art of communication has been lost lately.

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Posts: 1
1970-01-01 00:00:00

sure there are but a lot of people like to compare notes

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Posts: 7
1970-01-01 00:00:00

Believe it or not, but sex is not one of my most favorite things to talk about. It actually makes me uncomfortable, at least until after I\’ve known someone for awhile.

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