Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato - Does Online Dating Work?
Article Subject: Does Online Dating Work?
Article Link: http://news.discovery.com/tech/does-online-dating-work.html
Article Rating: 4.0 (out of 5)
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Dr. Dato’s Brief:
A nice useful post that reflects on the online and offline statistics of meeting people on dating sites.
It has been shown that online dating has become a major medium of choice for people to meet other people and it has been estimated that 23 percent of the couples have met this way in the US alone. However, it was also noted that rate of partnering hasn’t changed especially for women and people offline relationship habits have remained the same. Online dating has become a replacement for offline social dating outlets.
Many people remain distrustful of the online dating profiles since its easy to fudge age and weight and it has been compared to writing a resume where positive attributes are emphasized which can often lead to disappointments in the offline meeting.
Another statistic reported in the post says that the greater time you delay the offline meeting, the greater chance of failing because your expectations are raised too high before you even meet that person.
The final note recommends that you use the online dating sites more realistically ie. use it to filter out the desirables and then have the face to face meeting as early as possible.

online dating stats show an interesting picture about how we date
Tags: online dating advice, online dating rules, online dating stats