Returned 40 results for 'Monthly Archives: March, 2012'
Learning from others to reach loftier levels in free dating sites
Saturday, March 31st, 2012
Most of us whiz through life without thinking of the consequences of doing something or the effects it has on us and on other people. It is important to think for a moment when you undertake anything, after all this is exactly how many of the super companies have come to be ie. Apple, McDonalds, Chevron etc.
One can also learn from the previous great thinkers of our time who have managed to single-handedly change the way of thinking of the masses. It is not required for us to follow in the same path but at least we can take a leaf out of history and apply some of it to our daily lives. One of the most significant trait they all had in order to succeed in their goals was the ability to think beyond their own borders. The easy way out wasn’t an option for them, they sought something different and were challenged sufficiently to literally drive them to their desired goals.
We don’t think when we are complimented with remarks such as ‘She is a good mother’, ‘He is very gentle’ or ‘She is really great at cooking cakes’. These remarks come about because we not only take pride in doing those things but also we are very passionate about it.
We can apply the same logic when searching for our dating partner on the free dating sites. If you come with a pessimistic view that the work you will will be a bit of drudgery, it will likely turn out that way. So how do you generate enough interest in the area of finding the perfect date? One tip is try to break the task down to smaller bits. I was recently watching an interview of Lionel Richie with Piers Morgan of CNN and he said something that struck a chord with me. Lionel said that simplifying the process of what people wanted to hear was at the heart of his success. We can surely apply this to our daily endeavors including our search for that ideal date!
Read the 13 part series by Dr Dato on the secrets of online dating:
Tags: dating partner, Free internet dating sites, ideal date, interview of Lionel Richie with Piers Morgan of CNN, Learning from others to reach loftier levels in free dating sites, perfect date
Got a Date on Free Dating Sites…Tie Your Shoe Lace – Casual Date Ideas
Friday, March 30th, 2012
Planning for a casual date with someone you met on a free dating site and unable to think of options, here is where Jumpdates can help you. First of all you need to understand that casual dating is the process of meeting and getting to know each other.
While choosing the spot for a casual date you need to make sure that the place you choose shouldn’t be too noisy since both of you are going to be talking to each other and you need to be understood. Here is one casual date idea for you, look for the nearest or famous joggers park and send her a message on free dating sites saying you like to have a casual date there. She might not be interested in jogging so ensure you highlight that you simply want to go for a walk in the park.
Choose the best time either morning or evening and on the day don’t make the mistake of dressing up in formals. The park is a very natural and serene place for all people including joggers, mothers pushing their prams, taking the dog for a walk. Most everyone will be casually dressed and is an ideal spot to talk, meditate without feelings of any pressure. Being close to nature and calmness in the Joggers Park are one of the best places to have a casual date. As you walk down the track you will get plenty of things to talk about and at the same time doing some site seeing rather than bobbing up and down in a coffee shop as you think and talk. Maybe after the walk, you can both sit down for some coffee or a light snack.
I am sure you would also have plenty of casual dating ideas, please do comment with your most pleasurable spots for dating.
Top casual date spot in your area
Tags: casual dating is the process of meeting and getting to know each other, Got a Date on Free Dating Sites…Tie Your Shoe Lace – Casual Date Ideas, Top casual date spot in your area
Online dating sites are witnessing growth but on the other hand more people are choosing to live alone?
Friday, March 30th, 2012
The last few years have seen a steady rise in the growth of internet dating sites and in particular the free dating sites. However, a recent study published in the NY Times by Klinenberg from his published book ‘Going Solo’ claims that more singles are choosing to live alone. So what could be the explanation for such two convoluted trends?

Online dating sites are witnessing growth but on the other hand more people are choosing to live alone?
Although Klinenberg gives very genuine reasons of why many singles enjoy living alone, he has not stipulated actual figures but more of a trend that has been happening in the modern times. For example, if you take the actual number of people living alone as opposed to the many people cohabiting, living with family or married, there are big differences in the figures. The numbers representing folks living together practically dwarfs the figures of the number of people living alone. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that internet free dating sites will continue to see positive growth for many years to come despite a minority group choosing to live alone.
However, the recent findings do indicate interesting trends in the behavior of people when it comes to dating and their outlook in life in general. One of the biggest stumbling blocks particularly in these hard economic times, is that only a handful of people have the luxury of being single and living alone. Consider the big cost of maintaining a dwelling all by yourself as opposed to a couple sharing a place as well as food, expenses etc. Despite these factors Klinenberg describes that the choices made to live alone have no bearing on being lonely or needing a partner, which is contrary to most people’s thinking. In fact, he has proven that the many people living this way are in fact very contented and happy in life.
Related dating articles -
Tags: fee dating sites, interesting trends, Klinenberg, many singles enjoy living alone, Online dating sites are witnessing growth but on the other hand more people are choosing to live alone?
Free Dating Sites is Like Communal Service…Time is Your Investment
Thursday, March 29th, 2012
You cannot be successful overnight no matter whatever undertaking you do, but time is on your hand. Success on free dating sites would not simply come just by joining them, you will have to take the time to assimilate and understand the whole process. You may get number of messages as soon as you join only because other would see you as a new member. But, this could be short-lived as other members are also joining the dating site and in time you will find that you are not getting any responses at all.
Here are quick tips to keep your online dating profile in constant demand –
1. Search for your match on free dating sites, send the first message and don’t forget to save the search criteria as you might need it in the future.
2. Responding to received messages is always good practice as it increases your success rate.
3. If that website has relationship advice section or a dating blog make sure you read and visit that section and don’t forget to add your comments as it shows you are active on free dating sites.
4. Also look for the forum section. Start a discussion and respond to other people’s question. This is the best way to get quick and lasting visibility of your dating profile and it sends a signal that you are not there just to fill a slot but actively looking for a date.
You can follow these quick tips to give your online dating profile on free dating sites a kick start. An average dating profile takes 3 to 4 month before it starts hitting the eyeballs of other members but following these steps will most certainly reduce this time and potentially land you with many dates!
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Tags: dating blog, dating forums, Free Dating Sites is Like Communal Service…Time is Your Investment, internet dating sites, quick tips to keep your online dating profile in constant demand, relationship forums