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The new way of communicating for active daters - Part 3
Thursday, January 31st, 2013
There are many applications that are available for the smartphone that allow users to communicate seamlessly much like a phone and it does not depend on where they are on earth as long as their service carrier has fast enough data speeds. Telco companies are now investing heavily on the carrier space as they see strong growth due to the strong demand for smartphone. Already companies are offering high speed 4G networks with speeds between 2-40 Mbps. Be sure to check with your carrier first before attempting to make calls using your smartphone as they may charge you for over data usage. Here are a list of few other apps that are growing in popularity.
This is a messaging app. that allows any smartphone user to send instant messages similar to the instant messages you have now. The advantage is that the messaging is seamless and extends the functionality of the SMS messaging provided by the Telco carrier. When two people have this app installed on their smartphones, they will have a seamless way of communicating via SMS irrespective of where they are on the planet.
Another popular service that has won many friends is an app called Viber. This app has the ability to make free calls too and is available for all the platforms such as IOS, Android and now the Windows Phone.
As you can see there are many ways for online daters to communicate with their partner once they have found them online. It does not matter where you are on the planet, providing if you are savvy enough to have a smartphone and few of these great communication tools then you can probably talk from sunset till dawn without any issues. For those that still do not have smartphones there is also the option of pre-paid phone cards. These offer exceptionally cheap call rates to rest of the world but the disadvantage is that you will need to make a pre-arrangement with your date that you will be calling them at a specific time. The smartphone apps are always open to you and providing your date on the other end does not have his/her phone turned off and internet connection always remains on then you can both talk freely whenever and wherever.
Tags: active dates, smart app
The new way of communicating for active daters - Part 2
Thursday, January 31st, 2013
In this modern day the world has become a tiny place and suppose you wanted to chat with someone from say England or Morocco. In these situations, there are many options available to you and this is where VOIP scores big time and can be a great cost saving to you. We show you one of the most easiest way of communicating through VOIP primarily using Skype as this is one of the best known communication tool available today. The cost associated with making calls using skype may be zero or minimal at best.
This is the most ubiquitous software known by practically everyone in the western hemisphere and allows for voice and video communication when two users have the same application installed on their computer or smartphones. The quality of the voice and video chat will depend on the internet connection speeds between the two parties. If there is a degradation in speed then one will hear the words jumbled up or not even hear at all. The skype application relies on both the applications to be properly configured on both ends ie. mics and videos set up properly for communication.
Skype uses a unique skype name that is assigned to you and anyone given the proper contact can send their contact information or request that their contact information be acknowledged by the recipient. Although skype to skype calls are free, you do have the option to talk to someone who has a land line. In this case skype will charge a small fee for the privilege of using their VOIP as well as making a connection to the Telco service at the destination end.
Many users especially in the countries that have the modern and high speed internet infrastructures have made use of Skype devices. Essentially these are hardware devices that are permanently connected to your internet router and operate very similar to a phone system. Assuming that the internet connection is always on, then these devices will remain on and bleep or ring when a call comes in from another skype user. You can simply pick up the skype phone and talk in the same way as you would with normal phones. Some skype hardware devices also have video integrated with the system which allows you to see video too!
With the growing popularity of the smartphones you can expect Skype to have made applications for these type of devices too. In actual fact, these apps have been available for a number of years and theoretically, it is possible for anyone to chat one to one free of charge if both individuals have the skype application installed on their phones. This once introduced a problem to the Telco companies who tried to find ways to circumvent this from happening. However, at the end of the day, you will still need a Telco carrier for your phone anyways and most of the Telco plans are prepaid on a monthly basis. For example, you can purchase 450 minutes per month or 750 with any leftover minutes rolling over to the next month such as in the case with AT&T. All Telco companies have some kind of a data plan where they make money from the bandwidth utilized by applications such as skype etc.
Tags: active daters, communication app
The new way of communicating for active daters - Part 1
Thursday, January 31st, 2013
We no longer live in a society where the only form of communication is via telephone. Granted that one of the best inventions of the last century was the telegram or telephone, but nothing can beat the communication tools of today that is now readily available to everyone.
Many of us today routinely take for granted the devices and ease of access to all the information and knowledge that is now freely available over the internet. Unbeknownst to many of us, there is technology that is operating quietly on the backend called VOIP (voice over internet protocol). This is the technology which will ultimately become the standard way of communicating allows users to talk and video chat with other people anywhere in the world. It is the technology framework that has allowed ‘Magic Jack’ to be a huge seller all over the world. It is also the underlying technology that drives Skype users all around the world. In summary, the VOIP is a protocol which allows users to communicate via the standard medium that we are all familiar with and this is the internet. We do not have to communicate via the Telco networks, if we choose not to. So how exactly can you make the most of this when it comes to communicating with other active singles looking for a date. Lets go through the process of communicating for online daters.
Related Article - Social Media Free Dating Site
If you join a dating website like Jumpdates, you already have access to some of these tools. The first most obvious is the messaging tool and operates very similar to the email application that you are already familiar with. In addition to this messaging system, it may even tell you if the user is currently online and logged into Jumpdates. You can then transition to the ‘instant messenger’ that Jumpdates also offers. Here again, the system is similar to the chat system that you may have across such as Yahoo chat, MSN or AOL chat. Suppose now that you wanted to communicate via voice. You have the option of exchanging telephone numbers, but this is not encouraged right away until you get to know the person well enough. In this situation, you can talk over using your phones and depending upon the Telco services that you have signed up to you will incur the appropriate charges.
Posted by - Dr. Dato
Four tips on dating in an Office Political Environment
Wednesday, January 30th, 2013
A while ago we covered the subject of office dating in an office environment and about the dos and donts.
However, there are some hidden office politics in place that one needs to understand and be aware of. This will help you to continue your office romance without having any disruptions to your job. Here are four tips to consider:
(1) First find out where office romance stands in the political shelf of the company.
This will vary from one place to another, in some cases it will be relaxed whereas other places it will be very strict. It may border on sexual harassment if other colleagues report it to HR.
(2) Be discreet but genuine
Do not fret too much over a romance you are having with someone as long as it is permitted. Be genuine and don’t feel that need to cover every track. Sometimes, it doesn’t take that much for other colleagues to know the signals are all there.
(3) Absolutely no sex in the office
This may seem like a trivial piece of advice but many have made this mistake and have regretted it.
(4) Do not let the romance interfere with your work
This also may seem obvious, but the point is that you may get up in very emotional feelings that you don’t have any control over. This can indirectly impact your work and bring a negative rap with your other colleagues.
Tags: office dating, office romance