Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato - Taking Online Dating to the Next Level
Article Subject: Taking Online Dating to the Next Level
Article Link: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/01/12/prweb4955394.DTL
Website: http://www.needarealdate.com/
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
This article talks about a new site ‘Needarealdate.com’and claims that although there are many dating sites out there, the new site has much better interactive features. My take is what good is a highly interactive website when its new and has limited number of member base? How are you going to get those dates, having interactive sites will not get you those dates, unless they have a dating guru that magically formulates your ideal partner.
I checked out the site and couldn’t see anything that would entice me to sign-up, but you may give it a try.

Needarealdate.com - Sure if there were enough members!
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Tags: Free Dating Sites, Needarealdate.com, new dating website
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