Posts Tagged ‘relationship help’
Structured Dating Advice in the book for Dummies by Dr. Joy Browne - part 2
Sunday, January 27th, 2013
The remaining part of Dr Joy’s book is dedicated to explaining in detail how to find dates and prepare for the dates. She goes into explicit details of these topics related to dating and I find it in some cases often overkill. Any intelligent person will be aware of the certain do’s and dont’s of dating and they don’t have to be reminded of this. Although the book does structure itself to provide the relevant details such that you can skip certain chapters and jump to your topic of interest.
I was curious to read about her advice on the sexual matters of dating and she aptly titles this chapter (31) with a commandment…Ten Sexual Commandments of Dating. Her advice thankfully is up with the modern times and she makes it very clear that sex is something important and should not be rushed as there are consequences. She does not advocate when you should have sex, but she states that only when you feel totally comfortable and you want to for the genuinely right reasons. For example, not because you are being pressured, cajoled or through peer pressure or on a rebound etc. Dr Joy also mentions the importance of using protection in these days of growing STD cases.
Dating for Dummies although in it’s 2nd edition, is a refreshing guide for daters who need a structured plan that they can follow and make use of. It is useful for inexperienced daters as well as the experienced daters. Like they say, it’s easy to pick up bad habits and this book may highlight those bad habits that need to be corrected. The book is well structured and simple to read and follow and is a good read for anyone who is in the area of dating but also for others who are just looking only for a light-hearted read.
Rating: 3.5 out fo 5
Tags: dating for dummies review, Dr. Joy Browne, relationship help
Structured Dating Advice in the book for Dummies by Dr. Joy Browne - part 1
Sunday, January 27th, 2013
Dr Joy’s book on Dating for Dummies has been targeted to the single audience eager to take some wisdom from this former talk show host. This book in it’s 2nd edition form, covers many topics that are laid out in a structured way to help singles get over the hurdle of dating.
The book starts by addressing ‘you’ since it’s vital that you get a grasp of where you are and why you want to date. Many single folks are unaware or don’t really ask themselves why they would like to have a partner and simply dive into a relationship without questioning the merits of dating and the long-term interest. Here Dr Joy identifies you as the main character and if you have been putting dating off for a while, to start building some confidence. This indirectly get’s you into the whole matter of dating. Think of it like buying a car, you do your initial research and go around shopping and even spot the same cars on the street. Your ‘awareness’ level in this topic has just been enhanced by giving it more importance than usual.
Although she devotes only Part 1 of the Introduction touching on this valuable topic, I personally would have spent a whole chapter on this. There are many facets and reasons why people date and they need to be highlighted and brought into fruition. In this way, you may feel that you belong to one category where you can immediately relate to and thus take more proactive steps in improving yourself. I would recommend for men to read the intro on the book by Dan Albright – Chicks - A User’s Guide.
The above book has great references to why some men date actively and why others don’t. Many men I feel can relate to the author’s description of the types they can belong to and relate well to the points. I also encourage women to read this book as it will provide some insight to men’s inner psychology. Understanding this will help you appreciate why certain men behave the way they do.
Dating is really not about Dating - Part 2
Thursday, January 24th, 2013
You will be able to gauge yourself according to other people in that party and dress appropriately. The point is, you will make an effort to look at least half-decent for the occasion. So, instead of winding up in a confused whirlpool of a state prior to the date, the first task is to train your mind that you are just going to any of these parties.
Stop the urge to ask for advice from other people on what you should do or shouldn’t do during the date. Other people love to poke their noses and want to know all the juicy details of your date and in their worldly wisdom give you advice that is sure to succeed. Remember, your aim is to turn this date into ‘not a date’. Do dress up as you if you were going to any other occasion and that’s it, then leave the event to unfold by itself. You will find that towards the end of the date, your dating partner will be positively captivated by you. The secret is that whenever you want something to go without flaw, it usually doesn’t but when you don’t care for it so much, it turns out to be better than you expected. The same thing applies when you are dating, so go ahead and give it a try, date without thinking of it as a date.
Tags: relationship help
Dating is really not about Dating
Thursday, January 24th, 2013
The title may seems odd but the truth is when you are on a date and you are having a blast, you never feel it’s a date. The ultimate aim of a good date, is to make sure it doesn’t turn out to be a date at all. The trick in learning this is explained below.
Most dating books will take you through the steps required for a good date, including how to dress up, look the part and where to date. The problem with this kind of information s that it continuously reminds you that you are dating. This can you make feel that you are doing things outside of your comfort zone and you will become more anxious and nervous. This is completely opposite to what you really should be like during a date!
No doubt, you have been to many special occasions such as birthdays, company parties, friends homes, group outings and so on. In all of these occasions, you will dress up and prepare yourself and when the onus or attention is not on you, you usually end up having a good time. If you have under or over dressed for that occasion, it won’t take a genius to figure this out.
Related Article - What is Love – a Chain Reaction or Feelings from the Heart
Tags: relationship help
Are designer labels really necessary to boost your self-image - part 4
Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013
The world is very materialistic and one can get pulled into spending beyond their means and bring unnecessary stress into their lives. In the area of dating, it is vital that you present a clear self-image of yourself and not of someone who is in conflict with yourself. It is very easy to woo and impress by buying your fiance or a date an expensive gift that you cannot afford. However, the truth is that you need to remain in check with your current standing in financial matters. If you do desire the luxurious brands but don’t have the means, then why not look for ways of improving your income so that you will be able to afford these items. If you are finding that you are very controlling of your finances, it is possible that you will end up with a few friends. You may also find yourself trying to scrounge money from others rather than sharing and spending it fairly. People like these are digging a hole for themselves.
Whatever categories you belong to, the idea of self-image can determine one’s personality. It would be incorrect to determine exclusively someone’s self-image based on the clothes or their material possessions. What is more important is how they view money and the balances and checks they have with respect to the money and the people they care.
Tags: dating help, relationship help