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Male and Female Behavior as per Stage of Relationship - Part 2

Monday, February 18th, 2013

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We as human beings are wired for love and connection though relationships are not always easy. As the lead researcher, Bianca P Acevendo at Albert Einstein College of Medicine says that romance need not fizzle out in a long term relationship and can last a lifetime to make the relationship healthier and happier. Women are happy in marriage when they get to spend more time with their husband, friends and family. Men are happy in marriage if they are happy with their finances. Both are happier when they feel they have influence over their spouse and a satisfying sex life. Couples can keep the spark in their marriage alive with regular date nights to make life fun and exciting which makes the brain chemicals flow. A happy couple does stuff to give each other pleasure, create mutually satisfying habits that improve relationship. Create a place where they can discuss openly and not be accused or judged no matter in how foul a mood they are. Be good listeners to resolve issues rather than walling up. Share life together and turn towards each other rather than turning away to make life more meaningful.

A relationship breaks when either partner feels like being ‘stuck’ in the role. Couples don’t usually fight for money, sex, raising kids, in-laws, or house work. They fight when they feel that their partner does not care about how they feel. Human brain is wired for love and connection. The moment this feeling of disconnection occurs, most couples fight as it gives them a feeling of insecurity and the blame game begins which causes the real damage. Divorce is hard on partner, children and the close family members too. It is a very difficult period of transition for all. Divorce brings in whole bunch of commitments and responsibilities from alimony, child support to property division. Divorce is hard and frustrations should not be taken out on the child which will affect his/her psychology negatively. Single parent faces a much tougher life as the child is not used to seeing only one parent at a time or the other parents on a specific date or time. The child hopes that parents will get back together and it is tough for the single parent to explain to the child that this will not happen. The close family and friends are also affected by the divorce. The friends cannot keep a relationship with both as it becomes a tricky situation to choose sides or fell sad every time they think of the broken relationship.

Behavior is a highly complex science and research is being done to relations between relationships and brains. Each individual behaves differently towards a person or a situation which can never be generalized. With research being carried out the world over, maybe someday we will be able to understand why male or females behave differently during different situations and circumstances.


Divorce And Women:

Effect of Divorce: target="_blank">

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Male and Female Behavior as per Stage of Relationship

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

Relationships are a highly complex phenomenon. Each brain reacts differently to every situation. The male and female brain activity changes according to the stage of the relationship they are in. The medial prefrontal cortex region of the brain plays a major role in romantic decision making by making judgments about physical attraction or the person is Ms or Mr. Right. Each person goes through different stages in a relationship that begin with dating as teenagers, adult dating, courtship, marriage and in some cases divorce and single parent. At every stage the male and female behavior gets altered depending on the brain activity.

Male and Female behavior as per stage of relationship

Male and Female behavior as per stage of relationship

Teenage Dating and romance: Teenage is the weirdest stage in a person’s life. You like to prove to the world that you know all but you are most confused about everything. Puberty just kicks in changing the hormonal balance and gives one the intoxicating feeling of first love or first crush. The brain structure and chemicals affect the way a teenager reacts to romance. The boys at this age can think of nothing except sex as the testosterones surge in the system and their interest in the physical aspect of sex is much higher. The girls do undergo hormonal changes and their focus is on the relational aspect of sex.

Falling in love is an emotion and the brain activity is like having taken a shot of cocaine. When in love, the brain releases dopamine and serotonin which gives the feeling of euphoria. Teenagers get bored as the excitement of the emotion is lost and get tempted to find a new partner for the emotional ‘high’.

Adult singles do go through this same cycle of euphoria. Being single and ready to mingle, people start looking for a more consistent relationship rather than only the ‘emotional kick’. The feeling of commitment for a long term relationship sets in as the brain starts making judgments about a long term relationship. This gives a feeling of security to both the male and the female and a happier state of mind with a fulfilling relationship. Physical attractiveness does play a major role amongst adult singles to find a partner. Once they have found a companion then behavior pattern changes as brain activity changes. Girls look for intimate bonding due to the release of oxytocin while guys hormone vasopressin increases the feeling of being her protector and being more attentive towards her. This stage can be the stage of courtship when life is most beautiful as both care more about each other and express their emotions too. During this stage in the relationship, the guy will shower his girl with gifts and she in turn will take pride in being his chosen girl and envy of most around.


Single parent:

Singles :

Couple fight:

Next >>>

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Supercharge your Date with this Exercise - Part 2

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

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The ability to think in the present time or in the zone has great benefits. One must do, be, do, be, do, be… as the famous physicist Amit Goswami explained in his documentary ‘The Quantum Activist’. Here, he refers to the practice of being in the moment and then taking action. For supercharging your date, you need to be in a state of ‘Being’ and then ‘Doing’. Follow these easy steps.

Let’s say you have a few hours before your date. Stop whatever you are doing and sit down in a quiet spot such as on a bed or a chair. Then close your eyes and try to push all thoughts out of your head, relax and take short deep breaths. Your heart should should slow down and once you have completely relaxed which could be as much as ten minutes, just maintain that state as long as you can. You should now be in a deep state of relaxation, this is the state where you are in your present moment in time. Hold that state for a bit longer and then wake up. If you have done this exercise correctly, you will be feel different to what you were feeling before the exercise. Now follow instinctively, whatever your mind conjures up. The thoughts and actions that follow will vary from one person to another. The important thing is that these thoughts emanate from a higher level of plane which is beyond anyone’s capacity of understanding. These thoughts can direct you to a greater and higher path that you could not have done by yourself. It is what Dr Wayne Dyer also calls the ‘Power of Intention’.

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Why You Are Single?

Monday, January 28th, 2013

Everybody looks out for a companion at every stage in their lives. If you are single, most of you have asked yourself “why me”? Devote some time for yourself and ask yourself the answer to these questions that are probably preventing you from developing a relationship.

• The top excuse is that I am focusing on my career. Successful people do maintain relationships. Stop hiding behind your work and look for a person to add spice to your life. Support will come in many guises in having a good partner in a relationship

Why You Are Single

Why You Are Single

• Are you afraid of change or commitment? Most people find a comfort zone in the way they live their life. A companion surely enhances the quality of life so why are you denying companionship even if you had one failed relationship?

• Have you set unrealistic standards about yourself? You believe your standards are so high that you are preventing people from meeting and relating to them. Let go and have some fun

• Relationship is a two way street which requires hard work. Are you lazy that you don’t want to work towards building and nurturing a relationship?

• I am not attractive/hot/young/smart enough to find a date is what you have started believing in? Forget what others say, get your confidence and self esteem up and focus on where you want to go

Don’t fool yourself. Go find a date for yourself amongst your friends or from online dating websites rather than hiding behind excuses.

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Personal Image - Shoes can be more important than you think - part 2

Monday, January 28th, 2013

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Many men make the mistake of wearing comfortable shoes without trying to match the whole dress attire. This is completely incorrect as you will have seen many men dress in suits only to wear sneakers which sticks out like a sore thumb. If you are attempting to create a casual smart look, then stick to comfortable shoes that also looks good. A good match for this attire are Oxfords or Monk-Strap shoes that are black or dark-brown. When you wear a suit then, it has to be good quality shoes that exudes elegance and Oxford type shoes are ideal. Loafers can be worn when you are wearing casual shirts and pants and the brown types are ideal for most kind of situations. Be very careful when wearing sneakers or flip-flops as this indicates a very relaxed and couldn’t care attitude and has to be mixed in correctly with the type of event and clothing that you are wearing.

Next time you are heading to a party or event, check your shoes and see if they fit the rest of your attire. Oh and don’t forget socks to match too.

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