Posts Tagged ‘releationship eco-system’
What Makes Your Babe Look Sexy
Tuesday, September 11th, 2012
Often you have heard men saying with lots the emotional content about the rift between partners and how they feel less attracted towards each other as they can never please their partner. But, there is another set of men who feel that too much of puppy love every time are also one of the factors that they feel less attracted towards their partner.
Quite strange is the fact about what makes your babe look sexy? The recent research has all the answers for this. There are two sets of couples one with no conflict and others with some degree of conflict were noticed and discussed in the study.
Men having conflict have accepted that when they fight they feel more attracted sexually towards their female partner as their female partner look more sexier to them when she shouts at him. On the other side men with no conflict situation does n’t seem to much attracted towards their female partner.
The female partners also shares the similar drive towards their men, few ladies also believe that after a stressful fight their sex drive work as a stress buster and they connect with more emotional zest.
As they say fighting is first indication of love and caring which is true here as you fight with whom you love. Love-fight –love seem to be the eco-system of every relationship and if you think deeply it happens with all the relationship on the earth.
Share your wonderful experiences with Jumpdates as to what you find your babe sexy and why?
Tags: attracted sexually, emotional content, releationship eco-system, sexy babe