Using search engines to locate good free dating sites - Part 10 - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato
Article Subject: 10. Make your search work for you
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
Now the ’snippets’ of the search results page (SERPs) that you want to look at and make sure to read what is there before clicking to your heart’s content.
The snippet has not come about by random, there is some logic to the way it has been structured.
The first line which is in bigger text than the body of the snippet are the exact words pulled from the title tag of the home page of the website displayed. So assume that you had a ‘free dating website’, then you could choose a title like ‘100% Free Dating Site’ or more specifically ‘Free Dating Site for Seniors’.
The next two lines of the snippet are text that has been pulled off the home page content of the website and usually resides in the meta tags of the html code of the page.
The third line contains information to ‘quick links’ that are accessible from the home page and displayed here on the home page for quick and direct access to the points of interest on the other parts of the site.
The fourth line is the actual link of the site, basically the domain name or url of the website and is followed by the ‘Cached’ and ‘Similar links. The Cached link provides a snapshot of the website at a previous point in time taken by Google and the Similar link shows you other related sites that have references from the snippet site.

google snippet used to identify the essential points of a website
Tags: google search engine, google search snippet, search dating site, search dating tips