Using search engines to locate good free dating sites - Part 12 - Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato
Article Subject: 12. Looking for good free dating sites through search engines
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
We have talked about how there are many types of dating sites that cater to reviews and I will try to list a few that I have come across that will be useful to your hunt for the best free dating sites. In each of the review sites, I will also comment on my opinion of each, so that you can apply this when you come across any new review sites.
Good Ones:
This site has a good collection of free dating sites and they are pretty accurate in their assessment of all the dating sites that they have reviewed. Visit…
This site has a good selection of dating sites that has been reviewed without bias and you can tell this because they promote sites that they are not affiliate with for example 100% free dating site such as Jumpdates.com. It also has a good collection of comments and user feedbacks on these sites. Visit…
Not So Good Ones:
This site is entirely based on promoting the subscriber based dating sites and gives totally unfair opinions and ratings to those sites. Steer clear of these review sites and do not believe anything it says.
The bottom line is always read user’s feedback, because this gives you an idea of how others think of the site.

dating review sites are helpful to users in finding dating websites useful to their needs and pockets
Tags: bad review sites, dating advice tips, good review sites, review dating sites