Posts Tagged ‘Paid dating site’
Free Dating Sites – A Click Away
Tuesday, March 13th, 2012
What’s the fuss with free dating sites these days? Everyone seems to be talking about it but some people are very skeptical about the whole affair. This got me thinking…
Pretty much today in our modern capitalistic society and what is considered the land of plenty, everything seems to come with a price. Why would free dating sites want to offer a service for free especially in a money driven society such as ours?
In the good old days when we did not sit in front of TVs all day long and we spent much of our time with other people. We supported each other in times of need both financially and mentally and everyone felt a strong kinship in behaving that way. We all propped each other up and supported everyone in our endeavors. Whereas today everyone seems to become an independent unit all by itself and the need for other people diminishes and hence the dependency. There are few amongst us who lean away from this materialistic outlook in life and look at other people and the plight of people first before money. One should be thankful to all those hard working individuals and thinkers who go out of their way to provide you with something free just like free dating sites.
Related Article - Using search engines to locate good free dating sites
There is absolutely nothing in you signing up to any of these free dating sites and don’t expect something less or inferior to a paid dating site just because it’s free. These people are not driven by money alone but the ambition to provide a service that will appeal to many while at the same time seeking growth and taking care of essential business costs. The service maybe just as good as the paid dating sites because these crops of people may and usually do come from highly technological backgrounds empowering them with the ability to build something unique on the internet.
Those days when famous brands sprouted from humble backdoor garages are still abound and not quite forgotten. Brand names such as Apple, HP, and Microsoft are just to name a few and who have all had their humble beginnings with an idea and a strong vision. Before you sign up to one of the big paid dating sites remember also the free dating sites as they are just a click away.
Related Article - How to find a good dating site
Tags: Free Dating Sites – A Click Away, Free Online Dating Sites, online dating singles, Paid dating site
Online Dating Briefs by Dr. Dato - IAC 4Q revenue up with online ad, Match.com growth
Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011
Article Subject: IAC 4Q revenue up with online ad, Match.com growth
Article Link: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-02-02/iac-4q-revenue-up-with-online-ad-match-com-growth.html
Website: http://www.match.com/: http://www.chemistry.com
Dr. Dato’s Brief:
It’s no surprise that online dating business is still booming judging by the figures quoted in this article for match.com.
Match.com along with Chemistry.com is owned by IAC and they have been doing a very good job of it. Since inception over a decade ago, match.com has continued to rise in the category of paid/subscription based dating service. All thanks to us single folks out there.
This quarter the dating unit of IAC which includes Match.com raked in a whopping revenue of $108 million dollars with a subscriber base of 1.8 million users.
Just out of interest IAC happens to own numerous well known brands such as Ask.com, Dictionary.com as well as Evite.com, Gifts.com with the last two being sold in the past year.

Match.com - raking it in with 1.8mill subscribers
Tags: match.com, Paid dating site
Paid Dating Sites Review – MatchMaker.com
Monday, January 31st, 2011
After our last review of behappy2day.com we now turn to matchmaker.com and put this site through its paces in our review of paid dating sites. Being a paid site, our expectations are always high in all the areas that matter to users. Matchmaker.com premium account cost $10 to $40 depending on how many months of subscription you take out.
Read full articleTags: best free dating site review, MatchMaker.com, Paid dating site, singles free dating sites review, teenage dating sites review, top free dating site review
Paid Dating Sites Review – MatchMaker.com - Part 2
Monday, January 31st, 2011
Login & Customizing Profiles
Similar to other dating sites you will also need email/username and password to login to your matchmaker account. But whenever I tried to login using my email address it showed me “Invalid login”, so login with my email address is not working at all.
Once you have logged in, you can see the all the menus positioned at the top of the website. so the dater simply needs to go there to search for dates and customize his or her matchmaker account.
At the right side of the website you can view site activities such as; about new members within the last week, gift sent or received, who’s on IM (instant messenger), people who viewed you or viewed by you. This can all be found the home page after login.
In the edit profile section you can also set basic details about his or her and the partner you are looking for in terms of personality, hobbies, activities, appearance and lifestyle. You can also mention you favorite TV program and movies.
Tags: best free dating site review, MatchMaker.com, Paid dating site, singles free dating sites review, teenage dating sites review, top free dating site review
Paid Dating Sites Review – MatchMaker.com - Part 3
Monday, January 31st, 2011
As far as customizing your own privacy is concerned, you can enable/disable all the notifications including newsletters, subscription emails and also the alerts from matchmaker.com such as the age range, distance and gender of those members whom you want to contact.
User can also set the IM status to on or off setting. User can also change password, set his or her profile as visible/hidden from the site and remove the profile permanently.
Photo Profile Section
You can upload your profile photo from your computer. You can upload up to a maximum of 10 photos initially. After uploading your photo you will need to wait for it to be approved by the website administrator for nudity or other guidelines, and this can take up to 24 hours.
Browse & Search Feature
The browsing and searching on this website is ver easy and all the options are available on one page.
Tags: best free dating site review, MatchMaker.com, Paid dating site, singles free dating sites review, teenage dating sites review, top free dating site review