Do you know the difference between Chat Rooms and e groups?
E-Group is a social network that allows its users to share files, photos, receive and send messages, and schedule meetings. It is the easiest way to connect with the people who possess the same interest and ideas. It is also known as email groups. Every update in the group is notified to all members via Email. The admin of E- Groups is known as the group manager.
There are different types of Email groups; some are opened to anyone while some are closed. Any individual can log in to join the open E-groups without anyone’s permission. But to get access to closed groups you need to get approval from the Secretariat.
The members of the E-mail group discussions on a specific topic; the topic will depend on the interest of the individual group. In such kinds of groups, any group member can initiate a discussion through posting. After those group members start commenting on the post. Every time a new comment is posted, all members of the group receive a notification that there is a new contribution to the discussion.
Following are some of the benefits of E-Groups -:
- You can plan a family reunion with the help of E-Groups.
- It is the most convenient way to share your business newsletter.
- It allows you to coordinate official or non-official meetings within a fraction of seconds.
- You can join these social groups to simply be in touch with friends
- It saves your time, as you don’t need to type a list of email addresses. You can send emails to a large group of people by typing just a single email address.
However, the Chat room is a quite different concept from E-groups. You might have seen these types of chatting platforms on online dating sites. It can be a website or a subset of the website that allows its users to communicate through the internet in real-time. You find chat rooms. It’s a kind of virtual channel where people can exchange messages about a specific subject. The one common thing between the chat room and E-Group is that both of them are used by the people who share a common interest.
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E-Groups allow users to post messages but don’t have the capacity for the interactive messages and everybody in the group can see the posts and comments. However, in the case of E-Groups, you can chat individually with another person by typing a message into a text box. Another major difference between these two channels is that chat rooms allow an individual to communicate with other people in real-time, whereas in the case of E-Groups all participants are not online at the same time. Therefore chat rooms are asynchronous modes of communication and E-Groups are asynchronous modes of communication. One more thing, E-Groups allows users to post attachments and images whereas all chat rooms do not support this functionality.
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