Returned 39 results for 'Monthly Archives: May, 2012'
Your Day in Office Can Hurt Your Online Dating Life – Know How to Improve It
Thursday, May 24th, 2012
Study shows that about 80% of people are unhappy with this current job, positions or growth happening in their professional front. They feel this from day to day and carry this frustration with them wherever they go.
This frustration is visible in different spheres of life even in your dating life. Studies and surveys have shown that singles that are unhappy with their professional life are less likely to find a date and don’t go socializing enough which decreases their chances of finding a date online.
Here are a few tips from Jumpdates.com to get rid of the stress and to kick start an active online dating life.
1. Live stress free – if you are not stress free then there is no point going online and finding a date for yourself. How about listening to your favorite tracks or watching your favorite cartoon shows or watch your daily comedy soaps that make you smile.
2. Do not mix office and personal life – Bear in mind that professional and personal lives are very different. If you think about your personal life in the office and professional life at home then it would be disastrous for you.
3. Keep your spirits high – At any point when you will find that you are not getting any success in online dating fronts, this is usually the time when other online single leave the online dating sites scene. This is a big NO from Jumpdates, in fact this is the time when you should increase your efforts. You probably heard of the famous saying where ‘success’ is always around the corner, so don’t give up too easily.
Comment on this article and share this on your Facebook wall to help you and your friends make a successful and rewarding dating life.
Tags: daily comedy soap, date online, jumpdates, online dating, relationship, smile, Your Day in Office Can Hurt Your Online Dating Life – Know How to Improve It
Relationship Truth for Men - Giving means Dating and Sharing means Wedding
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012
Strange title of the article but I am sure all men would agree to this which indirectly means women will not. How funny that there are some topics on which men and women never think alike and not on the same page.
The relationship status can actually define how you and your partner approach each other towards materialistic things present in the world. The common disadvantage of being male is to have yourself in giving/spending mode when you are dating and girls are by default in taking mode this is how our society has been formed and running since the beginning. But, there are exceptions where it has been seen that female uses her money power to impress men.
This entire scene changes as the courtship or dating life turns to long term relationship as couples commit themselves in the bond call love. Here where the sense of responsibility gathers for both as they start sharing everything together. Now days, when we see more and more partners are earning, this sharing trend has seen a rise and will continue to be so in the future.
Comment on this article and tell us what are your thoughts are on this and what kind of relationships both genders are looking for.
Tags: commitment, courtship, dating partner, long term relationship, marriages, Relationship Truth for Men - Giving means Dating and Sharing means Wedding, spouse
Understanding people’s personality through compliments
Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012
While it may seem obvious that a compliment is a compliment, in actual fact, if you read between the lines you can understand more about the nature of the person. You probably received a compliment but had some doubts to its sincerity in the way it was delivered.
Many people use flattery and compliments to achieve a hidden aim or agenda. Salespeople use it to good effect in order to make a sale and others may become aware of its power and exploit it for their own gain. Sometimes a compliment is not a compliment at all and you need to be aware of this before you lift up your spirits and take a certain course of action. Sincere compliments will come in small doses rather than a whole series of them, because the people who deliver these understand the importance and value of a compliment. You have the effect of diluting the effect of compliments if you liberally apply it to a single person and more frequently, for example, someone who works for you. It also reflects on the value system you have of yourself and can show the high standards you set in order to dish out compliments.
In other cases, when someone gives you a compliment and takes the onus away from you to themselves, it is not a good compliment. A compliment should be all about you and no one else and if someone brings himself or herself into the compliment it could indicate a somewhat selfish nature. Next time you deliver a compliment, make sure it is directed squarely at that person that you are giving the compliment and leave it at that. Let them relish for a while in the thought of having done something good that was warranted to receive a compliment.
Tags: compliment, compliment in dating, relatonship, Understanding people’s personality through compliments
Getting out of the rut and taking back control
Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012
We’ve all heard the saying ‘variety is the spice of life’ but how do we actually bring variety into our own lives. Many of us would simply pass this by thinking that changing the way you are brings added complications and more stress results. In fact, it is quite the opposite, the change that most people fear actually brings much needed zest and passion that is so necessary in our lives. In particular, it can help build stronger relationships and at the same time put us in a much better frame of mind.
The biggest obstacle towards sprucing up your life originates from the mind. How often have you thought about doing something but never really go around to doing it. I can bet you that if you were to total up the time you spent in thinking of doing something but never doing it, it would most likely be longer than the task itself! What is this fear that people have in undertaking any tasks that they would love to do, but simply cannot motivate themselves to doing it? Part of the reasons, in my opinion, is due to too much thinking.
The tendency for most of us, is that when we think too much we inevitably bring about our own personal views to the tasks in hand. This can always be defeatism, because we start to make excuses of how we don’t like to do it, or we were never good at it or simply not confident enough. The mind initially starts with a ‘DO’ attitude and inevitably all our hidden fears and excuses turns the whole event into a ‘DONT’. Next time you find yourself in this quagmire, think about the tasks that you do with passion and zest. You probably do not hesitate for a second to get onto those tasks without even thinking. Your best bet it to take action while you are in the ‘DOING’ stage of the thinking and think about the ‘NAYS’ after doing it. You may very well ask yourself, ‘what all the fuss was all about and how easy the whole task was’.
Tags: attitude, Getting out of the rut and taking back control, motivate, passion, stronger relationships
What is Love – a Chain Reaction or Feelings from the Heart
Monday, May 21st, 2012
Answering the question “what is love?” is very simple and at the same time very difficult as there is both scientific as well as psychological answers to the question. What science says that when you love someone your mind tends to think about that more often and you find yourself attracted towards that beauty.
This attraction is termed as a state of mind that can last for a few days, months, years or sometimes as long as a lifetime. This can also be termed as a chain reaction or chemical reaction in your brain which intoxicates or mesmerizes you towards the object of your love. This happens all at once or numerous times in your life which they termed as love.
On the other side of the coin psychologists connect this with human feelings and say that it comes from the heart. When you find someone whom you feel is the perfect partner you automatically get attracted due to what some call a chemical imbalance in the brain. The concept of feelings from the heart exists from the day when Adam and Eve found themselves perfect for each other and called it love.
Love can be in terms and defined in different ways by different people but what is true is that it is a feeling not sure from where it emanates from (the heart or mind) but, it makes two individuals feel that they are perfect and made for each other.
Tags: Adam and Eve, female beauty, heart, human feelings, love, Romance, What is Love – a Chain Reaction or Feelings from the Heart